Software Failure

Episode 1: "Zap Zap Oops! The Therac-25 Comedy of Errors"

Therac-25 Radiation Machine

The Therac-25 was a radiation therapy machine developed by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) used during the mid-1980s....

Episode 2: "Rocket Science Isn't Easy: Ariane 5's Explosive Debut"

Ariane 5 Rocket Explosion

The Ariane 5 was a European heavy-lift launch vehicle that was meant to improve upon the capabilities of its predecessor...

Episode 3: "Dial 'O' for Outage: The Day AT&T Stood Still"

AT&T Network Failure

AT&T's long-distance telephone switching system was among the most robust and complex in the world...

Episode 4: "Ghost in the Machine: Toyota's Unintended Wild Rides"

Toyota Unintended Acceleration

Several models of Toyota vehicles were reported to experience unintended acceleration, where vehicles would suddenly and unexpectedly accelerate...

Episode 5: "404: Health Not Found - The Bumpy Launch of"

Obamacare Website Launch was launched in October 2013 to enable American citizens to purchase health insurance under the provisions of the Affordable Care Act...